Grupo Rolear is key sponsor at Algarve Tech Hub Summit. This event, promoting areas susch as Technology and Innovation in the Algarve area, will take place between March 23 and April 3, with sessions in the Algarve University, NERA (Business Association in Loulé), and Fábrica da Cerveja, in Faro.
Grupo Rolear is proud to join Algarve Tech Hub Summit, aiming to project itself as a leading organization in the Technology and Innovation fields. Besides the branding during the event, there will be presentations by Rolear’s staff, that will be a part of the sessions dedicated to “IoT – Internet of Things” and “Digital Transformation”.
The Algarve Tech Hub is a strong Tech Ecosystem that aims to develop and promote the Algarve region as the best lifestyle tech hub of Europe for technology-focused companies and individuals, identify talents and attract international stakeholders into the region, namely strategic investors, the scientific and the digital nomad & remote workers community.
A Rolegás concluiu a instalação de gás no novo Porto de Recreio de Olhão. A instalação contempla a rede exterior e parque de armazenagem de gás propano para fornecimento aos vários projetos de restauração a implementar no local. O parque de armazenagem inclui dois reservatórios enterrados, cada um com capacidade de 4,48 m3.
A obra do novo Porto de Recreio está integrada no plano de requalificação da zona ribeirinha de Olhão. Localizado na zona poente, em frente ao Hotel Real Marina, o projeto prevê, além de toda a infraestrutura de apoio à náutica de recreio, um anfiteatro ao ar livre, várias lojas e restaurantes.
A obra Rolegás foi concluída em Janeiro 2022 e o novo Porto de Recreio de Olhão tem previsão de abertura para Abril 2022.
Grupo Rolear launches a campaign to its customers with propane gas supply, offering a welcome discount on the Electricity service.
From August 2nd to December 30th 2021, Rolear customers with propane gas supply can take advantage of a 30€ discount when joining the Electricity service. To redeem this offer, it is only necessary to mention the propane gas installation under “Promo Code”, when filling the online form.
One of the campaign’s goals is to introduce Rolear Viva, the most recent business unit within Rolear Group, providing Electricity and Natural Gas.
With more than 40 years in the Energy market, the Rolear Group offer of solutions that range from product and equipment supply, to piped gas distribution, construction, infrastructures, maintenance, technical support and training.
Grupo Rolear is key sponsor at Algarve Tech Hub Summit.
Grupo Rolear is key sponsor at Algarve Tech Hub Summit. This event, promoting areas susch as Technology and Innovation in the Algarve area, will take place between March 23 and April 3, with sessions in the Algarve University, NERA (Business Association in Loulé), and Fábrica da Cerveja, in Faro.
Grupo Rolear is proud to join Algarve Tech Hub Summit, aiming to project itself as a leading organization in the Technology and Innovation fields. Besides the branding during the event, there will be presentations by Rolear’s staff, that will be a part of the sessions dedicated to “IoT – Internet of Things” and “Digital Transformation”.
The Algarve Tech Hub is a strong Tech Ecosystem that aims to develop and promote the Algarve region as the best lifestyle tech hub of Europe for technology-focused companies and individuals, identify talents and attract international stakeholders into the region, namely strategic investors, the scientific and the digital nomad & remote workers community.
Rolegás instala rede de gás no novo Porto de Recreio de Olhão
A Rolegás concluiu a instalação de gás no novo Porto de Recreio de Olhão. A instalação contempla a rede exterior e parque de armazenagem de gás propano para fornecimento aos vários projetos de restauração a implementar no local. O parque de armazenagem inclui dois reservatórios enterrados, cada um com capacidade de 4,48 m3.
A obra do novo Porto de Recreio está integrada no plano de requalificação da zona ribeirinha de Olhão. Localizado na zona poente, em frente ao Hotel Real Marina, o projeto prevê, além de toda a infraestrutura de apoio à náutica de recreio, um anfiteatro ao ar livre, várias lojas e restaurantes.
A obra Rolegás foi concluída em Janeiro 2022 e o novo Porto de Recreio de Olhão tem previsão de abertura para Abril 2022.
Grupo Rolear launches a discount campaign for customers with Propane Gas supply
Grupo Rolear launches a campaign to its customers with propane gas supply, offering a welcome discount on the Electricity service.
From August 2nd to December 30th 2021, Rolear customers with propane gas supply can take advantage of a 30€ discount when joining the Electricity service. To redeem this offer, it is only necessary to mention the propane gas installation under “Promo Code”, when filling the online form.
One of the campaign’s goals is to introduce Rolear Viva, the most recent business unit within Rolear Group, providing Electricity and Natural Gas.
With more than 40 years in the Energy market, the Rolear Group offer of solutions that range from product and equipment supply, to piped gas distribution, construction, infrastructures, maintenance, technical support and training.